Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Computer Training for Students for Schools in Benin City

 Computer Training for Students for Schools in Benin City

Success in the education business today requires unique, functional and successful system built on ideas that are futuristic and practical oriented. This regularly calls for innovation and sustainable blue print that will help create a system that will produce a total child (in the areas of academics, character and digital skills). It is in helping to fulfill the third part of the total child building process that we at STC come in. We will provide adequate ICTs training that meets the curricula needs of your students why still helping them to acquire real and practical computer skills which they will be able to put to use in their everyday life. This will become a selling point for your school and a source of attraction that will virtually converts most of the parents of your students to publicity agents as they will never get tiered telling their families and friends how their wards are doing great in practical ICTs skills which make them an ICT solution provider in the home and environ. So, if you run a secondary school in Benin City and you are interested in this, get in touch with us now!


The main purpose of this training is to provide adequate ICTs training that meets the curricula needs of your students why still helping them to acquire real and practical computer skills which they will be able to put to use in their everyday life. This will become a selling point for your school and a source of attraction that will virtually converts most of the parents of your students to publicity agents for your school.


STC helps schools train their students on practical ICTs and computer skills on the following:

  • CorelDraw
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Internet/E-mail
  • Microsoft Access


We are looking at twice a week training sessions of between 1-2 hours. The training sessions must be regular and attendance must be consistent for effectiveness. The first day of the week training session will be for the Junior Secondary School students and the second one for the Senior Secondary School students.

Contact Us

You can contact us with any of the following ways:
Phone: 08126309863

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